Thursday 21 February 2008

My first blog

... And I feel like an Internet infant, but honestly, it's my first post, and usually when I start something new I like to make it look like I'm a bit of an amatuer to abstain me from any criticism due to me being new, when infact, I have blogged before and its fairly simple stuff anyways.

I dunno why I told you that.
As no-one is currently reading this I am merely soothing my own narcasistic idealogy.

A field trip... I'm supposed to think of a field trip... hmmmmm, Zimbabwe, I've heard it's pretty 'bad' over there. Or Kenya even... wow that was in bad taste.
In all seriousness though, I dont know Wolverhampton/Birmingham that well, I'm a south coast boy, and I know there's some sort of 'murder tour' in Brighton, so there might be some sort of equivalant up here.
Errrrm, aside from that... ASDA?

1 comment:

Retro chik said...

Yeah, maybe we can all nick some trollies from there lol